Using the strength of its large membership, PASR has negotiated attractive group rates on a number of products and services. PASR endorses services and products as a value added benefit to its members and does not receive financial compensation for our endorsement of any product or service.
PASR serves the needs of ALL persons who retired from the public schools of Pennsylvania.
PASR is an association comprised of members who are all retired employees of the public schools of Pennsylvania. We are former teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, secretaries, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff—in short, anyone who is now receiving a pension from the Pennsylvania School Employees Retirement System (PSERS). PASR’s mission is To serve others in need and help one another enjoy retirement.

PASR was established in 1937 and is a pioneer of nonprofit voluntary membership organizations nationally—having helped establish both the National Retired Teachers’ Association in 1947 and the nation’s largest senior organization, AARP, in 1958. Currently, there are approximately 70 local PASR chapters. Most are found throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; however, chapters are located throughout the country.
News and Legislative/COLA Updates
As the ONLY ORGANIZATION THAT ADVOCATES SOLELY FOR RETIRED STATE EMPLOYEES, PASR is tirelessly working to secure a long overdue and well-deserved Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all PSERS annuitants to help them to be able to enjoy a dignified retirement. To view recent information regarding PASR’s efforts to secure a COLA and other legislative updates of significance, please click here.